Often, the animation of the thrusters of some vehicles keep going even if they are not powered. So far it has happened for all Bejsirfs and the DSI Copperbolt. This only goes away if you actually fire the thrusters for a bit. When I asked SYRSA he said it was probably due to lag, so I made a poll to see how much of a factor that is. For me replicating the bug requires only to fire the thrusters of one of the above vehicles a few times, as it has a relatively high chance of happening, this might not work for everyone though. The vehicle is not accelerating, I am not touching any keys and the sound does not play.
Nope, not happening, messing around with it for a while now, never noticed it before either. Never see it on syrsa's streams either so. game runs fine on my pc. ye It'd be nice if you had "I don't experience it and the game runs slowly on my pc" and "I don't experience it and the game runs fine on my pc" for the full research
If I had to guess, this is a coding issue (involving desyncronized inputs and such n such). I can't know for sure without seeing his code, but that is likely it. There are ways around this issue even if you do have a low frame rate. Is Syrsa still looking for coding help?
The Input is probably only checked every fixedupdate, because physics are usually done in that function. So GetKeyDown / GetMouseDown won't get called when you have a low framerate. It should be an easy fix though. He occasionally asks me for assistance on skype. His code is terrible and he prefers js q_q
js sucks. just wanted that to be post #100 cheers also @BluetoothBoy If you think you can help out he always appreciates it.. but more when he needs help, when he is just doing stuff and people suggest things it's usually not very appreciated. Sometimes he also asks for certain things like " is this possible to do " and such, so you could definitely help out, also when muguu decides to disappear
I personally wouldn't say it "sucks," but it definitely is more limited than C#. And to be fair, Unity doesn't actually use JS - it uses UnityScript, which has JS syntax. Most everything else about it is different. When it comes to basic game programming (actually, a large chunk of it), JS or UnityScript is just fine. But there are definitely some cases in which C# should be considered over UnityScript, simply because it can do something UnityScript cannot.