After re-watching SYRSA's Zerahypt bsns video I realized we still haven't discussed how sexy Terrahyptian cannons are! So here you go, discuss! I personally think the Agrian destroyer is pretty sexy, even though it's not in the game... I literally get a boner every time I see that explosion.
And let's simply appreciate the fact that it is consider 'one of' their most powerful weapons. Not THE most powerful. Just one of them. I'd like to see the behemoth that constitutes their best and most powerful cannon. That wouldn't just be boner worthy, I'd sex it up every night.
I'm pretty sure the biggest cannons of Terrahypt will absolutely dwarf the Agrian destroyer. I mean, these people have planet-sized spaceships for Shrek's sake, they have a ship that generates freaking stars! My guess would be that Arygilis has some doomcannons on it that are almost comparable in size to yo mama...
I don't know, man. My mother is quite large, though I'm sure they could give her a run for her money in terms of physical mass. Now what would be really neat, it we take these hypothetically massive cannons, create a Terrahypt v2.0, load both up with a bunch of them, and let the greatest ship to ship battle in the history of space commence.
My favorite cannon is the handheld one you find in Dark Keigan. ITS A CANNON. THAT YOU HOLD IN YOUR HANDS. :3 397 metres of badass, with a Dread Redeemer. What more could you want? As far as handheld weapons are concerned I think the Dutvutanian AP blaster is always great to see fire.
not sure if it counts as a "cannon" but the agru ( can launch small stars at targets.