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Random moments from my Zerahypt adventures

Discussion in 'Zerahypt Media (Screenshots/Video Captures)' started by TimberWolf224, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. TimberWolf224

    TimberWolf224 Veteran Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Actually, I don't know what makes you angry (besides disagreeing with your lore), which is why I'm so nervous around you. Besides, if I told him how I did it, it would ruin the fun of it.

    If you really want to know...
    Using the console mod, I spawned a clone of the barge, flew onto the top of it with the ceptopod, and the ceptopod then busied itself with killing aberroids. When that happened, I thought to myself "this would be a neat screenshot", so I took the screenshot and posted it here.
    FonkDerok likes this.
  2. GSungazer

    GSungazer Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    If you ask me (and I know you wouldn't, thank you) I would guess it's your pointless secrecy and the fact that it makes it seem you may be hiding stuff that could help him improve the game. If you were more open about how you got in that situation, instead of making everyone wonder whether the game is broken or if you are trying to shatter the whole game, it would be more interesting and you could be helping SYRSA test the hell out of the engine, potentially
    B1G-CR1ME likes this.
  3. SYRSA

    SYRSA Administrator

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    May 26, 2015
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    Well, using a console doesn't really give me that much information on how to improve Zerahypt. But this is a community, and keeping secrets for the sake of not making anyone butthurt isn't something I encourage. Though sometimes I appear butthurt, and I've always been a drama queen and explaining things awkwardly because it sounds good in my head as an argument.
  4. TimberWolf224

    TimberWolf224 Veteran Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I am unconcerned with your opinion of its importance. The reason that I keep these silly secrets is because sometimes I like to make people wonder 'just how did he do that???', and its rather hard to do so if everyone knows how its done. I post this stuff to amuse those who wish to see the random crap I do in my spare time with zerahypt. If I had discovered a bug, I would post it in the bug reports forums. Seeing as this isn't the bug reports forums, its safe to assume that the methods I use to get these amusing screenshots are not bugs. And I would really prefer not to "shatter the whole game"; since that wouldn't be good.

    If you want me to try and help discover more about how to improve zerahypt (which I would be happy to do), then give me a general idea of what to test the hell out of, and I will start a new thread for my findings. From my experiences in life, I learned the hard way that making people butthurt is a good way to get actually hurt. As such, I do my darndest to stay on everyone's good side.
    Understood. (I have a problem myself with awkward explanations and mental arguments, although that isnt important right now.)
  5. cassox

    cassox Member

    Feb 6, 2016
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    i was refering to that, i just dunno how to reply or whatever
  6. Terminator_722

    Terminator_722 Veteran Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    what kind of mod?
  7. Artanis00500

    Artanis00500 Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Mod featuring the Executor?Ooooooo,cant wait
  8. FonkDerok

    FonkDerok Insane Furfag in a Position of Power

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    Jul 18, 2015
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    last I remember he was running into issues with Syrsa changing a bunch of stuff. Think it had something to do with the same reason Magi isn't still working on the multiplayer; too much changing between updates
    That being said I think I remember he had it pretty much done but its for a specific update (21??) and for personal use, after he and Syrsa had a little issue

    My memory's real spotty tho, so I may be wrong
  9. Artanis00500

    Artanis00500 Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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  10. TimberWolf224

    TimberWolf224 Veteran Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Yep. I still am running in to those issues. As for it being done, it is very far from it. The mod only works about 40% of the time, and only for version 21.1. The other 60% of the time it simply doesn't do anything at all.

    My current objective for the mod is really dang difficult (it involves instantiating outside resources), and I have been a bit distracted, and when i'm not distracted, im to lazy to code. Because of that, I haven't been working on it for months. I only starting working on it again off and on this past week, but even that may not last long, I'm taking college classes, and I dont have spare time to code.

    If i can get the code working the way I want to, then it should be indifferent to the game version, as long as there aren't massive changes to the way entity data is handled. That is going to take a while to get to that point though.

    I'll be honest, I tend to forget about things for large lengths of time, only to work furiously on it for a week, get annoyed with it, quit for a while, and then forget about it again. I have so many things going on that this cycle repeats with most of them, so I am constantly cycling through various topics. If you don't want me to forget about this mod, send me a PM, in maybe two weeks or a month, and remind me.

    As for the little issue syrs and I had, i have changed a heck of a lot since then, and my personality is nowhere near as... prickly, i suppose... (I also have picked up the art of designing my own vessels, which kinda ties in to the loading outside resources for my mod. )I think at this point, he and I should be able to get along. Syrs, if you are reading this, I am still sorry that I made you mad, and I am trying not to do it again.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2017