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Game Suggestion Load Level ASYNCHRONOUSLY (Loading Bar)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by JOELwindows7, Oct 4, 2018.

  1. JOELwindows7

    JOELwindows7 Member

    Sep 14, 2018
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    Unity Theory: Load scene Asynchronously is load scene in the background and move to the new scene when completed.
    Simple. it loads scene in background, instead of pausing entire game just to load a scene.

    This allows to have Loading progress bar of how much it has been loaded. Better than just blatand blank screen and Spinning Blue ring or Pinwheel cursor.
    Because, I was concerned. Some newbies has freakout over blank screen and Spinning blue ring cursor (Aero Loading), and thought it was game hang. No matter what specification of their computing power they have, that blank screen can be scary and spooky, even outside October.

    My suggestion is to replace all function/method calls of LoadScene into LoadSceneAsync (putting that into one variable of operation). Now you can see its progress, has it done, etc.

    you can see tutorial yourself, e.g.:
    by Brackeys

    It's quite simple if you read carefully.

    You can reject this suggestion. I'm okay. but many users will not okay. and probably I won't be okay as well.
    You will expand alot. it is crucial to get an idea how much has it done.

    It must have been suggested before and probably rejected. Sorry if so. I was just annoyed alot by the cloud of chokes.

    Thank you for your attention.
  2. Magiichan

    Magiichan Administrator

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    May 25, 2015
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    Great idea in my opinion.
    Unfortunately Syrsa still uses unity 4 with the old UI system (last time i checked).
    So the Loading Bar is a bit more complicated to make. Still in the realm of possibilities though!
    The big dealbreaker is that I think you need Unity Pro in order to use LoadSceneAsync. =/
    JOELwindows7 likes this.
  3. JOELwindows7

    JOELwindows7 Member

    Sep 14, 2018
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    I have been tried such asynchronous loading, in a free personal version of latest unity, 2018. It works well.
    I don't how about Unity 4. I wonder if LoadSceneAsync is available on that Unity 4. Wish it has. Must be there somewhere between or before.
    If it has to unfortunate, it is unfortunately. Last time I hear a bug about upgrading to Unity latest directly, that Srysa said will ruin one of them, Game joints.
    Thank yiu for your reply.
    Magiichan likes this.