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[Audio] [Vehicle] Accelerating sound to a increasingly high pitch when freefalling in a car

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Arcsteryx, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Arcsteryx

    Arcsteryx Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    When falling from a cliff in a car, there will be an accelerating sound to an increasignly high pitch due to the fact the game thinks the car is actually accelerating on the ground. This occurs whether the player presses the gaz pedal or not, and whether wheels are touching the ground or not.

    [Actual result]
    Accelerating sound when normal physics would not.

    [Expected result]
    No increasing acceleration should be heard coming from the car unless the player hits the gaz pedal.

    [Steps to reproduce]
    1. Boot the game
    2. Make your way to a car
    3. Drive it off a cliff

    C - low
  2. Catblaster

    Catblaster Veteran Member

    May 25, 2015
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    I did notice this before but most vehicles break before I can hear it or the screen cuts to black and you get respawned.

    ps: 10/10 bug report syntax
    We might have to make a sticky at some point to how bugs should be reported, if the site continues to be used and grows.