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Bugs, Design flaws

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by slyboy22, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. slyboy22

    slyboy22 New Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    In Dark Keigan there is a design flaw with the cave/tree thing. Maybe it is intentional but there is a doorway you can't get past. Too small or something.

    When you leave Kabrius, the animation of her still standing there appears as you leave.

    The Rodwick R800 (miner vehicle) has a mining tool on the front, but it only goes left and right not up or down.

    This is more of a complaint but....The Bejsirf Zp40-5 has a pretty low damage tolerance and very touchy controls. Really Most of the hover vehicles need some control touch-ups. Also when destroyed, it flips up while the parking brake is engaged.
    Catblaster and Magiichan like this.