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Everyone's worst nightmare

Discussion in 'Zerahypt Media (Screenshots/Video Captures)' started by Spyrox, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. Spyrox

    Spyrox Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Decided to try out the Console Mod. So I've been spawning in random things in bunches, hoping to create a scene. I'll update this post with more unlucky things when I get around to it. If you have any do-able requests, I will try to do anything that you ask of that you'd like to see in large bunches (its just difficult to find ill-named objects.
    Whats worse than 1 Peukopede? 10+ of them.
  2. Terminator_722

    Terminator_722 Veteran Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    you got the console mod to actually work? props to you, man. i have had no luck in doing that.
  3. Spyrox

    Spyrox Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Well it took a lot of testing to figure it out, even with the instructions given on the mod page.
    First of all:
    After each line of code, you have to have ";" at the end (without the quotes).
    You cannot spawn vehicles or objects if they do not spawn in the area you are at. You cannot spawn ice vehicles in the desert, etc.
    A lot of the commands don't work (most likely from game updates that aren't supported anymore).
    I haven't tried the waypoints yet.

    An example of a working code: (case sensitive)
    getAllObjects(); (don't forget the ;) Then, a list will appear. If it doesn't, then scroll up on the console. I suggest using clear(); to make it less messy first.
    spawnObject(Peukopede, 5); The object(s) will most likely not spawn in front of you and most vehicles can't be spawned more than once, although it wouldn't hurt to try.
    I suggest not spawning gun turret mounts or related similar names as they seem to spawn in their original position making them glitch out with the guns already in place.

    Now, the one thing that took the longest for me to figure out was how to exit the console. I feel pretty stupid for not getting it right off the bat, but in-case anyone doesn't know:
    After using the console, use your mouse to click outside of the console box. No keys or commands will let you exit it. No help; or close; (which should be added).
    Magiichan likes this.
  4. Terminator_722

    Terminator_722 Veteran Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    oh, ok then! i'll give that a try. i've been trying to get the console mod to work for quite a while now... there's a certain item i'm trying to obtain.
  5. Artanis00500

    Artanis00500 Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Mother of Snf,that is terrifying