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few bugs and some gripes with the game(rant?).

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Avarus_Lux, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Avarus_Lux

    Avarus_Lux Active Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    while playing this game i found a few bugs and very irritating behavior which i'd like to adres, sorry for the wall of text in advance, and please do not see this as offensive... i like the game... but it has its issues and flaws :P.

    things i encounter:

    the plasma carbine does not do any damage,not to any lifeforms, nor to vehicles or wooden crates it seems, what it does however is push things. its apparently great for pushing around objects and keeping dark reigan lifeforms at a distance.

    the 40mm cannon makes lifeforms dissapear occasionally (i guess they're dead) or pushes them back or does nothing at all but make a lot of sound.
    when fired next to objects a blastwave pushes everything, but lifeforms seem unaffected. talkign about lifeforms, it seems 40mm shells bounce of flesh, dark reigan creatures seem bouncy, making it a bad weapon for the tunnels as i killed myself with it more then once.

    see through mind melting ootkins in the dark reigan tunnels can be pushed through walls via shooting them with a plasma carbine, amking them hum annoyingly through walls as the follow you some way or the other, occasionally killing you off.
    seems you cannot kill them however.
    shooting objects and other creatures through terrain and walls is also possible, but i think this is a unity engine problem and not a game design error.

    general movement:
    vessels, movement is fine for ground based vessels overall, flying vessels are awkward but doable.
    however, the bloody walking, for example the dark reigan tunnels are a absolute no go zone for me untill i can properly move in those freakishly small tunnels.

    i have been killed more often by an ootkin because i became glued/stuck to a wall, due to inabillity to properly go backwards, turn around and run, enabling the ootkin to have fun with my brain.
    then that an ootkin was able to walk up to me and slap me in the face.

    hell in this kind of tunnels you should be able to walk backwards while emptying cartridge after cartridge, slug after slug of gunfire into these monsters, instead of having to turn around sluggishly and run away. you have a gun... use it?!?

    walking backwards and strafing to the left and right, these are imho basic must have movements for any first person movement game. especially when moving thorugh cramped cluttered spaces with enemies.
    and please don't start the argument that the thillians cant walk backwards due to vague bone/joint restrictions.... my (literally) 90 year old, shaky, brittle boned grandma with bad kneecaps, artificial hips, and cane/walking rack can get into her reverse gear when needed, and can do a few steps aside to either side... granted she's not the fastest around :P.

    turning piri around on the spot is luckily doable in fps view and using the mouse but is clumsy as hell still.
    same goes for accessing vehicles... when you get to close you need to reverse to be able to enter... nope... have to make a full circle dance maneuver to make a run for the entry points sometimes.

    lastly on dark reigan, near the taxi landing pad/before the tunnels door you can see the shadow of the personal transport delivey crane thingy on the ground, its not visible itself but its shadow is.

    for the rest, i love the game as it is, maybe some more plantlife, greebles and terrain details as rocks & pebbles and such, but thats "details" not that important. you're doing great especially compared a few patches ago.

    thank you for reading friends.

    removed the part concerning wheeled vehicles, if anyone is having issues with vehicles behaving strange, in my case continually wanting to move forward and to the left, disable and uninstall Vjoy virtual joystick drivers.
    unity really hates this driver set.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
  2. SYRSA

    SYRSA Administrator

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    May 26, 2015
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    People seem to complain alot about the first person movement because how different it is from FPS games they compare it to. I have no problem moving in first person, mainly because I got used to it. Movement is always being tweaked and improved as the progress of Zerahypt goes. But I don't think that I'll add a "walk backwards" feature because I see no point in moving towards where you cannot see.

    Sure, there is the point that you can keep your eye on your target while firing your gun. But I've never seen that as a necessary advantage to have if you're going to distance yourself from a threat to begin with, and knowing where to go and predict where you're going instead of reversing and hoping for the best.

    The low mouse sensitivity is what I think is pissing you off for the most part, because how you say that turning around is very sluggish. I have the sensitivity low, the same as the mouse sensitivity on my computer, which is because I use my mouse to draw and make precise movements. So using Zerahypt haven't been a problem for me in that regard, but for some people I would have to implement a sensitivity slider.

    For the most part, I suggest you to spend some time getting used to the controls in general because Pirizukas body is a physical object that would require you think of it as such. I've seen people thinking that jumping right next to a ledge will get you ontop of it. You will need to be walking/running in order to build up momentum and then jump to get up the ledge. This physical controller won't do nonsense like changing directions or applying a forward force while you're in mid air.

    The part where you apparently get glued to the wall, even when you walk into it at an angle is something I might consider changing. Or have it in just to make Zerahypt a living hell for people who argue about small things that are easily avoided through practice.
    Pachi3080 likes this.
  3. Avarus_Lux

    Avarus_Lux Active Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    there are no issues with the low mouse sensitivity, at all, it is something you have to get used to, agreed, and a sensitivity slider would be a nice addition and helpful to some folks no doubt, but it is no game breaker by any stretch of the imagination.

    i don't have any issues with general movement on open ground or jumping ledges, standing next to them and thinking you will magically move on a different axis to get on them is a stupid thought, there really are folks who think like that???
    anyways, walking next to vehicles, loose obstacles and in cramped locations such as the forementioned tunnels in dark reigan, or when positioning oneself behind something, next to something or on top of something is when the movement becomes immersion breaking due to its limitations.

    i don't like to and cannot compare it to regular fps games, as it is no regular fps game, but one thing they have done right and are continually improving, refining and have refined for literally decades is player movement, it comes in a few varieties but the basic options are pretty much always the same from about the beginning, current day games only give you a a more detailed player body, per limb/part collision box, more accurate movement sets to emulate a proper bipedal gait, and a few unrealistic quick reflexes locomotion wise.

    but any creature that is bipedal should be able to use these motions:
    forward (basic walking gait),
    strafe sideways and diagonally (basic walking gait with the (part of) upper body twisted to another direction),
    backwards (inverted basic walking gait),
    turning around on the spot (using one foot to lean on, while using the other to push oneself into a circular motion, or a leg is swung around to create a centrifugal force to turn oneself around),

    and most should be able to do the following,
    jumping or hopping up,
    laying prone,

    pirizukas body being completely physical is a good thing, but this concept has been done, done often and better, and limiting a body to not be able to make movements that should be physically possible by laws of physics and biology, even if alien, is not something that gets accepted easily by me or others, and therefore will come up on multiple occasions.
    thilians may be alien, but are still bipedal creatures with all benefits and disadvantages.

    however, in the end this is your project, and yours alone, and ultimately you decide what is going to happen with it and what is going to be in it and what not.
    i and others just have to deal with it regardless of your decisions, this is just the biggest standing complaint from me (and probably others) about the game and no doubt there are more people feeling the same way who will bring this subject up one way or the other.

    for me, it means ill have to skip certain things, no problem, for others i don't know.
    i will not bring this up again as i had my say about the matter, i appreciate you listening to me very much.

    thank you :)
  4. Corona688

    Corona688 Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    The movement is familiar to those who have played Minecraft, except with the whole turning around thing.
  5. Avarus_Lux

    Avarus_Lux Active Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    not really, it's not even close to minecraft controls and locomotion,for example in minecraft you can move into any direction without any delay, while jumping and crouching, all this without breaking your line of sight at all times, with the exception of sprinting which requires the player to look where you go to steer.

    whereas pirizuka can move only in one direction which she has to face at all times which results in that she must directly face another direction to move into another direction, there is also a quite realistic delay with every movement, which in some cases requires a it of planning, and she has to actually look where she jumps before making a jump, or she'll 9/10 times faceplant.

    dont get mistaken by my earlier comments, i love this game... and as i said earlier, i am pretty much done with this topic, especially since i have said what i had to say. syrsa saw it and answered to a extent which pretty much satisfied me.

    ps, if you like minecraft style games, try Starmade, i seriously played minecraft for 2 years (starting with versions from and up of january-2011) almost non stop (at least 6 hours a day) then instantly dropped it after i found the game starmade and continued with that, thats was back in 2013... i occasionally still fire up starmade but have grew tired of voxel games a 1.5 years ago or so myself.
    have fun :)
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
  6. Corona688

    Corona688 Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    That's what I mean t by "the whole turning around thing", yes -- the whole thing where she has to turn around.

    The interface, though, is familiar.
  7. Avarus_Lux

    Avarus_Lux Active Member

    Jul 11, 2015
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    as familiar as any of the first person view (or third person view) games that use a interface, which are basically in unlimited supply, it is starting to shape up to be be a completely unique piece of its own though :).