Pleased to be here! I'm IK, some oddball denizen of the internet. I have been enjoying Syrsa's works since the infamous battlecruiser rant and continue to watch Zerahypt grow with increasing pleasure! It's really been coming together, I can't wait for the next version, every version :P I fancy myself a worldbuilder as well, though I don't have the expressive skills to portray any of my own stuff outside of writing. I hope to be an author one day! For now, I work in a factory that produces medical models and stuff like that. Good pay, raises and bonuses, full benefits, I can't say I'm dissatisfied without sounding a bit of an ass! Though my spirit still craves the freedom of a nice house in the forest, no job but for the stories I type out. Later, I suppose ^^ Hope to come to know some folks here, ideally in a way that could be considered friendly! I've a particular fondness for Syrsa as he's living out the dream, so to speak, and intend to support him to the best of my ability.
Hello, welcome to the forums, most interaction happens on the stream though, for now. But that might change if the site continues to grow and attract fans. See ya around.