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Discussion in 'Zerahypt Discussion' started by Enzyme-Sigma, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Enzyme-Sigma

    Enzyme-Sigma Warlord Member

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    May 28, 2015
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    Is there a timeline of all the Terrahypt history! I checked on the wiki and I couldn't find one.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
  2. Huivn

    Huivn Member

    May 29, 2015
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    Well, if no one here knows, you can ask Syrsa at the next stream (pretty much every day 10AM-6PM EST) and he'll probably give you a vague idea.
  3. Enzyme-Sigma

    Enzyme-Sigma Warlord Member

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    May 28, 2015
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    ... I'd rather not have him go on about terrahytian history whilst streaming, when instead he can write it out in a timeline and not have to worry about people asking him about lore all the time.
  4. Huivn

    Huivn Member

    May 29, 2015
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    He'll get around to it eventually. He has a lot of stuff that he's doing for the game itself, but he does have people who admin for him on the wiki.However, I just recalled something about Terrahypt's past.

    Terrahypt was part of a planet that was blow up a very long time ago. The sun was created by mages, and magic is what's keeping the atmosphere in place, as well as being the reason for there being gravity.

    Also, a little explanation as to what magic is. Magic is a type of energy, just like light and heat, but more similar to electricity than anything. Very few people are born with the proper cellular structure to manipulate magic. Furthermore, it's very difficult to create magical energy, as it requires an explosion the size of several large hydrogen bombs or larger. Supernovas are likely the only naturally-occurring source of magical energy.

    Edit- Inb4 Syrsa sees this and screams that everything I said was wrong
  5. Catblaster

    Catblaster Veteran Member

    May 25, 2015
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    He mentioned some things here and there during streams, I also vaguely remember some old videos on it that might've explained bits of it.
    As far as an actually written down timeline goes, nope, there is not (yet).
  6. Enzyme-Sigma

    Enzyme-Sigma Warlord Member

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    May 28, 2015
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    I know Terrahypt was previously a planet but I don't know why it was destroyed. I am interested in making Fan-Friction of Terrahypt, I just need more context as well as a clear timeline of history. Thanks though for sharing what you know.
  7. Azai

    Azai Moderator

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    May 25, 2015
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    Well, there's the Terrahypt Briefings. Parts 1 to 3 are still up in some corner of the internet, but parts 4 and 5 seem to have disappeared without a trace.
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    These were removed from Syrsa's lore channel a long time ago, though, and aren't exactly the epitome of canon.
    Personally, however, I'd use that to my advantage, as it gives you more freedom in how you structure your fanfic. Just fill in the blanks of your knowledge with something believable of your choice, and you've got a story that seems realistic to the average reader. In the end, I've found that researching every little thing (to name an example: figuring out how long it would take a character to read a book series instead of just guessing) ends up using a lot of time without being much more believable that if I'd just gone with an educated guess.
    Enzyme-Sigma likes this.
  8. Enzyme-Sigma

    Enzyme-Sigma Warlord Member

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    May 28, 2015
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    Wow, thanks for digging this up for me. I'll still need more information as most of my brain power is being taken up by another universe of my own. I will use this in the future though. I do remember seeing part one on SYRSA's deviant art which I'm not sure if he even uses anymore.